Senin, Januari 16, 2012

Health Tip

Eight Steps To Become Slim Naturally
By Yudiyanti

Appearance is very important for most people, especially women. In association or other social relationship, women would feel more comfortable and confident if they look nice and interesting to others physically. Regardless many concepts of beauty of women, most people think that nice and interesting women are those having slim body. That is probably why many people everywhere dream and work hard to have an ideal body weight.

Indeed, being slim is not a very easy job to do. It has something to do with many aspects of life, especially eating habit. Over body weight or generally called obesity is mainly caused by an irregular and uncontrolled eating patterns. To lose weight and gain ideal weight therefore needs a discipline diet and right knowledge on the function and role of food as well. Beside being consistent in obeying the diet rules, we also have to change our view about food and eating habit. Here are 8 views and activities that will really work for you to become slim naturally and safely :

1.      Satisfy, rather than filling the stomach

From a scale of one to ten, slim people stop his/her eating at number six or seven, Jill Flemming, the writer of Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates says, while some people stop at scale of eight or ten. Why? It’s because you equate the sensation of fullness with satisfiction or lack when to stop first. For example, when food is cut half put a spoon and use a scale to assess your satiety. Do it again after five bites. Your goal is to raise awareness during the meal. For bonus of your meal to be slower.

 2.      Be aware that hunger is not a sign of emergency

Most fat people think a hunger as a disease that must be treated immediatelly. “If you are frightened of hunger, instead you tend to overeat to avoid it,” Judith S. Beck, Ph.D, the writer of Beck Diet Solution” says. Be tolerant with hunger because hunger always come and go. Try to be late an hour from lunch. Try to skip meals or snacks during the day, you’ll find yourself just fine.
3.      Do not use food to cure a broken heart

Add in your brain, the word “stop” to eat. When you feel angry, sad, lonely, etc. choose foods which are low in calories. Dispose of resentment through this activity can get rid of anger.
4.      More fruit

Based on the results of research published in Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2006, slim people eat an average of more than one serving of fruit and eat more fiber and less fat than fat people.

5.      Have a good habit

Slim people have good and well-planned eating habits, says Beck. Try to have a consistent diet everyday, like breakfast in the morning with cereal, and potato salad at lunch and so on. You can just change the menu the next day with rice and grilled chicken plus fresh vegetables.

6.      Self control

The biggest thing that makes us get fat is uncontrollable behavior. For example when in  party places, you must say to your selves, just eat in a quarter and half in the dessert.

 7.      Happy to move
The average person who is not lazy, and happy to move has slim body. It is stated by reasercher in Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, AS. Most office workers spend 16 to 20 hours a day just sitting. Wear pedometer and know whether you’ve gone more than ten thousands a day. You have to combine 30 minutes of exercise with healthy activities like walking on stairs, sweeping or mopping to burn extra calories.

8.      Sleep soundly

Slim people sleep two hours more a week, says researches at Eastern Virginia Medical School. The researchers theorized that the lack of sleep associated with lower resting hormone suppressing appetite. Additional sleeping 2 hours a week means that only adds 17 minutes of sleep a day, which means it is easy for busy people. Add a sleep time gradually until you can sleep 8 hours a day.

In addition to the 8 steps above, it would be perfect if you multiply fruit and vegetable consumption, because it contains many beneficial substances for our bodies. Some benefits of eating five serving of fruits and vegetables every day are :

1.      Protect body from various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and digestive disorders.
2.      Lose overweight away by itself. Fruits and vegetables have relatively low calorie contents. Fruits and vegetables are fat-free foods, even if fat is fat that is good for our health. By consuming more fruits and vegetables everyday there is a decrease in calorie intake, which will cause the body to burn fat calories in our bodies when we spend more than the food intake of calories.
3.      Weight control
4.      Smooth bowel movement everyday
5.      The body becomes more fresh and energetic. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals thus making the body much better, and will certainly look ageless.

So, start from now if you want to be slim. Change your eating patterns and view, so the problem of excess body weight will not bother you anymore. Have a nice trying, and hopefully you are successful to become slimmer and more beautiful.


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